About me

Hi everyone, I'm Chris (Sukyoung). Thank you for your interest in my tutoring. Hopefully, your dream comes true through my Korean lessons. I am an experienced teacher in many different ways. I will do my best for my mission to teach the languages in all ways. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions.  


Chris (Sukyoung) Chae, Ph.D., Owner

Education and Experience 

I earned my doctoral degree in chemical engineering at KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) in South Korea. I worked as a research professor in biomedical engineering at Korea University in Korea and received additional training at Brigham Women’s Hospital (Harvard University) in Boston, USA. Additionally, I completed an online TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program at ATC (Advanced College of Languages and Training Canada) in Canada. Currently, I am dedicated to the Korean language to native English speakers who are enthusiastic about learning Korean online. Outside of my professional life, I enjoy making e-books. I love having a creative outlet. From idea and content development to design, it helps me develop strong organizational skills. 

Life story

I lived the first act of my professional life as a specialist in the field of science. For a long time, I trained myself to be a scientist who observes phenomena, thinks alone, seeks and interprets information, establishes theories, and draws conclusions. 

After obtaining TESOL certification, I started the second act of my professional life as a freelance language education instructor. While living abroad, I realized the importance of language and became interested in children's language education, which led me to decide on this career path.

Currently, I am teaching the Korean language to native English speaker kids and adults who want to learn the Korean language online.

나의 직업 인생 1막은 과학분야 전문인으로서 살았습니다.  오랜시간동안 나는, 어떤 현상을 보며, 혼자 생각하고, 정보를 찾고, 해석하고, 이론을 정립하고, 결론을 내리는 과학인으로 훈련이 되었습니다. 

TESOL 취득 후 프리랜서 언어 교육 강사로의 직업 인생 2막을 열게 되었습니다. 해외 생활을 하면서 언어의 중요성 실감하고 아이들의 언어 교육에 관심을 갖고 진로를 결정하게 되었습니다.

지금은, 온라인에서 한국어를 배우길 원하는 영어 원어민 아이들과 성인들에게 한국어를 가르치고 있습니다.  

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

From: Advanced College of Languages and Training Canada. 

Faith Journey

The living God came to me as a healer with light. During my college years, I wandered without finding answers to my identity. Who am I? Where is my life going? How should I live? During this time, a senior sister invited me to her church. However, I was shocked by the pastor's words of God at that church. The words resonated deeply within me. .........         

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